Brighter Smiles Supports and promotes EU Agendas and missions

The European Green Deal

Brighter Smiles is committed to the missions and objectives of the European Green Deal. We support industries to innovate and become global leaders in the green economy, ensuring a just and inclusive transition. We help protect human life, animals and plants by cutting pollution, supporting the Green Deal's overall objective of making the EU climate neutral by 2050.

New European Bauhaus

Brighter Smiles is active in the creative and art industry. We believe that the New European Bauhaus initiative is an important opportunity to reimagine sustainable living in Europe and beyond. We are working with artists, designers, and architects to create new products, services, and spaces that are sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful.

Europe for the Digital Age

Brighter Smiles is in line with the EU's Digital Age priority. We are empowering people with a new generation of technologies through engaging in innovative technologies. We are working with businesses to develop new digital solutions and  also supporting the development of new digital skills and training programs.

Brighter Smiles Reinforcing the role of Europe's cultural heritage in promoting European values among EU citizens and abroad 

Brighter Smiles believes that culture and cultural heritage are key assets for the future of the European project and for fostering a sense of belonging, togetherness, and shared values and identity. The EU needs to further increase its remit in the promotion and enhancement of culture and cultural heritage, including protection, promoting excellence and best practices, sustainability, mobility, and exchange.

Brighter Smiles achieves this objective through the following:

  1. Supporting cultural heritage and the creative sectors with proactive policies, financial support, and coordination.
  2. Promoting culture, cultural heritage, and creative thinking through formal and informal education, training at all levels, and lifelong learning.
  3. Partnering with different entities to recognize and enhance the vital role played by regions and cities in supporting culture and cultural heritage in Europe.
  4. Developing activities related to culture and cultural heritage with the participation of citizens and their communities, through partnerships with local authorities.
  5. Working with different partners, to leverage opportunities provided by existing programmes and initiatives such as Creative Europe and the New European Bauhaus (NEB), to protect and celebrate cultural heritage, foster a common European consciousness, and allow Europeans to experience Europe in a more tangible way.
Brighter Smiles believes that cultural heritage has the power to bring people together and to promote European values such as democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. By supporting culture and cultural heritage, Brighter Smiles is helping to build a stronger and more united Europe.

Supporting Culture and Creativity in the EU

Brighter Smiles achieves this objective through the following:

  • Connecting creatives and organizations to vast innovation networks to empower and connect them, contribute to a more resilient, sustainable, and transformational sector, and unlock latent value from a multitude of small cultural and creative stakeholders through technology transfer, improved cross-sectoral collaboration, and their effective integration in production value networks.
  • Harnessing the unique position of the cultural and creative sectors and industries to facilitate Europe's Green, Digital, and Social transitions.
  • Fostering values-based cultural entrepreneurship to increase social cohesion, the well-being of communities, sustainability, and anchor EU values in cities, regions, and rural areas across Europe.
  • Consolidating a Europe-wide innovation ecosystem leveraging the data and deep insights required for evidence-based decision and policymaking that will unleash the full potential of creative and cultural industries to improve their own competitiveness and contribute to Europe's triple transition.
  • Creating and deploying interdisciplinary education programs to future-proof the skillsets of students and professionals in the creative and cultural industries and cross-fertilize other sectors with creativity and design as transversal skills.
Brighter Smiles aims to make the cultural and creative sector in the EU stronger, more sustainable, and more innovative


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