Vocational Mobility

YMCA Comprehensive Institute is  a Vocational Institution in Uganda established  in 1986 to prepare and equip the youths in vocational and technical skills programmes.

YMCA student exhibiting her final project. (photo credit YMCA)

YMCA Comprehensive Institute is the leading vocational education provider in Uganda. Over 6,000 youth graduate each year from the Institution.
They provide several courses from bachelor degrees to certificates.  Being the largest vocational education provider in Uganda, the Institution plays a vital role in the development of the Technical and Vocational Education system in the country. The Institution is expanding and at a quest to develop their research and innovation department coupled with international skills mobility.

The Institution is partnering with Brighter Smiles to broaden the scope of perspectives in vocational education through building International relation and cooperation.  Brighter Smiles is developing a vocational-training digitalization framework for the Institution which shall ease the digital skills mobility within the institution and across with global skills providers.

The future of  Vocational Education is "blended". Therefore there is a strong need to strengthen the digital TVET. Like many countries around the globe Uganda is shifting towards this new reality. Looking back, one major lesson from school closures, education has shifted online almost overnight. This has presented a quest to diversify education delivery. For  many occupations such as Tailoring, Carpentry that many didn't think would go online, its time for a paradigm shift. This is what Brighter Smiles champions, through TVET, hub and enterprise partnerships. This model closes the loop from education to a descent  world of work.

YMCA at a Glance

Student's Fashion Show