Refugee Inclusion

YINNOH works towards empowering displaced and marginalized youth towards becoming self-actualized and contributing members of society.

YINNOH is a youth innovation hub that works towards empowering displaced and marginalized youth towards becoming self-actualized and contributing members of society, both within the refugee settlements and in their host communities.

YINNOH provide personal development and social entrepreneurship programs that guide and train their scholars to discover their inner abilities, realize their potential and develop their social entrepreneurship skills and competencies so they have the opportunity to transform their challenges into innovative solutions that can create job opportunities. 

Example of YINNOH Social Entrepreneurship Programme 2021:
AVDA GROUP was started by Isaac Kyubwa, a 22-year-old refugee from the DRC, and his team members from Uganda, the DRC, Rwanda, and South Sudan. They responded to poor access to food in the Refugee settlements due to Covid-19 by creating an agriculture project of planting vegetables. AVDA aim to develop a thriving food supply chain with their local community to become self-sufficient.
AVDA Facebook:

YINNOH and BRIGHTER SMILES believe in forging partnerships across sectors and borders so we stand stronger together in reaching our global mandates. Due to the soon coming raining season, Yinnoh is in a hurry to seal the classroom in the Empowerment Center with roof and windows and doors. Brighter Smiles is therefore now crowdfunding in Norway, on behalf of Yinnoh.  You can find our crowd funding campaign here. (